آکورد گیتار آهنگ Perfect از EdSheeran

کاپو در فرت 1

I found a Glove for Emme
Darling, just Cdive right in, and follow my Dlead
Well, I found a Ggirl beautifulEm and sweet
I never Cknew you were the someone waiting for Dme
Cause we were just kids when we Gfell in love
Not knowing Emwhat it was, I will not Cgive you up thisG  ti-Dime
Darling just Gkiss me slow, your heart is Emall I own
And in your Ceyes you’re holding Dmine
Baby, EmI’m daCncing in the Gdark, with Dyou between my Emarms
Barefoot on the Ggrass, Dlistening to our Emfavourite Csong
When you Csaid you looked a Gmess, I whispered Dunderneath my breEmath
ـBut you Cheard it, darling Gyou look Dperfect toGnight
Well, I found a Gwoman, stronger than Emanyone I know-
She shares my Cdreams, I hope that someday I’ll share her Dhome
I found a Glove, to carry Emmore than just my secrets
To carry Clove, to carry children of our Down
We are still kids, but we’re Gso in love, fighting agEmainst all odds
I know we’ll Cbe alright thisG ti-Dime
Darling just Ghold my hand, be my girl, I’ll Embe your man
I see my Cfuture in your Deyes
Baby,Em I’m Cdancing in the Gdark, with Dyou between my Emarms
Barefoot on the Ggrass, Dlistening to our Emfavourite Csong
When I Csaw you in that Gdress, looking so Dbeautiful
I Emdon’t deseCrve this, darling Gyou look Dperfect toniGght
Baby, EmI’m dCancing in the dGark, with Dyou between my Emarms
Barefoot on the gGrass, Dlistening to our Emfavourite Csong
I have fCaith in what I Gsee, now I know DI have met an aEmngel
In Cperson, and Gshe looks pDerfect
I G /Bdon’t desCerve this, youDsus4 look Dperfect toGnight

4.5/5 - (8 امتیاز)

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